UNRIVALED CREDENTIALS Our canines are trained by top-tier K9 detection experts from law enforcement and military backgrounds, undergoing extensive ongoing training. Our team includes Xia (German Drahthaar), Buck (Belgian Malinois–Hound mix), and Gideon (German Shepherd–Malinois mix).
CERTIFIED PRO HANDLERS We employ the only seasoned military and law enforcement K9 handlers in Texas—also certified as mold assessment technicians—with deep expertise in Scent Theory & Detection, K9 Behavior & Training Techniques, Search Patterns & Deployment Tactics, Environmental Awareness, Handler-Dog Bond & Communication, Problem-Solving & Adaptability.
PROGRESSIVE TRAINING We don’t leave mold detection to chance. Instead of random samples, we use proprietary third-party certified mold samples to imprint and continuously proof our canines. MDK dogs can locate target odors in new environments 90% of the time, often without handler guidance, clearly indicating the source.