

By Dr. Rodney Russell

Welcome to our guide on understanding and managing mold in the brain, a critical issue that can severely impact health if not addressed promptly. This overview will explore the signs, causes, and effective treatments for mold toxicity in the…

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Your Air Conditioning: A Secret Weapon Against Mold Growth

Amidst the challenges of wet winters, including the damage from snow and winds, and the high humidity of summer, our homes become battlegrounds against moisture-related issues. One of the lesser-known heroes in this fight is the air conditioning unit, which plays …

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The Hidden Hazards of Mycotoxins: A Comprehensive Guide

Mycotoxins, secondary metabolites produced by molds, pose significant health risks to humans, ranging from allergic reactions to severe, life-threatening conditions. These substances are not essential for mold survival but are by-products of the competitive battle…

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Navigating the Aftermath of Toxic Mold Exposure: To Clean or Discard Your Belongings?

By Susan A. Russell

The dilemma of whether to clean or discard possessions after encountering toxic mold exposure is a pressing concern for many facing "mycotoxin illness." It’s a debate that stirs intense discussions online, with some advocating for a complete p…

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Managing the Complex World of Mold-Related Illnesses: Insights and Solutions

By Dr. Rodney Russell

In the realm of household health, the diagnosis of mold illness for one family member can send ripples across the entire household, prompting a reevaluation of indoor air quality and necessitating substantial changes to the living environmen…

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Understanding the Intricate Link Between Mold Exposure and Thyroid Health

By Dr. Rodney Russell

The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland located at the lower front of your neck, plays a crucial role in regulating a myriad of bodily functions, including metabolism, heart rate, digestion, and mood, among others. As an integral component of …

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EMF Exposure Boosts Mold Biotoxin Production by 600%

In a groundbreaking discussion, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, a renowned figure in the realm of Integrative Medicine, shares his insights on the profound impact electromagnetic fields (EMF) have on biological systems, particularly in relation to the development of neur…

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Keys to Detect and Control Mold Growing on Soil

By Dr. Rodney Russell

Mold can be a persistent problem for indoor and outdoor environments alike. While most people are familiar with mold growing in damp basements or on bathroom tiles, it can also affect the soil in your garden or potted plants. Mold on plant s…

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Mold in Carpets: Cleaning and Maintenance Tips from Experts

By Dr. Rodney Russell

Mold in carpets is a common household problem that can pose health risks and damage your flooring. If you've discovered mold in your carpet, don't panic.

In this article, we will provide you with expert tips on how to get mold out of carpet…

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7 Surprising Insights on Moldy Windows

By Dr. Rodney Russell

The discovery of a "mold-free" house actually being a breeding ground for mold can be quite alarming. This situation sheds light on the subtle ways in which mold can infiltrate windows, often going unnoticed. Here are some key insights:

  1. Beyo…
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Decoding Mold Detection: Exploring the Innovations of ERMI and EMMA Tests

By Dr. Rodney Russell

In the quest to ensure healthy living environments, understanding and detecting mold has become a critical aspect. Two significant developments in this arena are the Environmental Relative Moldiness Index (ERMI) and the Environmental Mold an…

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Key Pitfalls in Mold Remediation & How to Avoid Them

Hiring a mold remediation company is a common response to household mold issues, primarily when the mold is extensive or in hard-to-reach places. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) even recommends professional intervention in specific scenarios, such as lar…

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Bleach vs. Mold: Why the "Cleaning Classic" May Be Causing More Harm Than Good

We've all heard of using bleach to battle mold – it's practically a home cleaning staple. But what if it's actually making the problem worse?

The truth is, bleaching mold is no longer recommended by experts like the EPA for several reasons:

1. Toxic Fumes: Bleac…

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Your Nervous System and its Part in Healing

By Dr. Rodney Russell 

Stress is a frequent and unwelcome guest for many, especially in the world we live in today. It arises from various sources: global events, work pressure, financial concerns, family dynamics, or unforeseen circumstances. This chronic stress…

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Unveiling the Hidden Connection: Tackling Parasites and Mold for Optimal Health

By Dr. Rodney Russell

In the maze of healthcare, parasitic infections and mold toxicities often lurk unnoticed, masquerading as a myriad of 'random' symptoms that are frequently overlooked. The subtlety and diversity of these symptoms, ranging from chronic fatig…

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How to Store Holiday Decorations Safely: Pro Tips to Prevent Mold Damage

Posted on December 6th, 2023.

The holiday season is a time of joy and festivity, but it also brings the daunting task of storing all your holiday decorations once the celebrations are over. Improper storage can lead to mold growth, which can damage your cherished…

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How to Prevent and Mitigate House Humidity

Posted on December 6th, 2023.

Humidity can turn your cozy home into a breeding ground for mold and mildew. High house humidity not only affects your comfort but also your health and property. Fortunately, there are effective ways to reduce and control humidity le…

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Preventing Mold Growth in Your Home: Tips & Strategies

Mold in the home can be a significant health hazard, especially for those with mold sensitivities or specific genetic predispositions. Understanding and implementing effective mold prevention strategies is crucial for maintaining a healthy living environment. Here…

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Signs of Hidden Mold in Your Home

Posted on November 9th, 2023.

Mold is a silent intruder that can wreak havoc on your home and your health. It often hides in plain sight, making it difficult to detect until the problem becomes severe. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the signs of hidde…

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What are the Health Impacts of Mycotoxins?

By Dr. Rodney Russell

Mycotoxins are a hot topic in the world of health and safety, and for good reason. These toxic compounds, produced by certain molds, can have serious health consequences.

So let's delve into the world of mycotoxins, exploring what they are,…

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How Can a Dog Detect Mold Better Than Human Inspectors?
Posted on September 10, 2023

When it comes to mold inspections, accuracy and efficiency are crucial. Mold, whether it's lurking in the corners of your home or hiding within the walls of your office, can pose serious health risks and cause significant damage to yo…

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Mildew Versus Mold

Regardless of popular misconceptions, you should never handle anything that threatens your health with a grain of salt, especially mold exposure.Molds will always be present in any home, and this is fine as long as they remain at the normal point of fungal ecolo…

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Mold, Frequencies & Dental Health

Mold exposure causes massive increases in electrical currents in the mouth. This is what is dissolving the teeth, causing gum recession and abscesses.

I was a dental lab technician.
Patients began showing up with strange complaints of reacting to their crowns.


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Healing From Mold Exposure

You CAN’T heal from mold exposure by doing JUST ONE thing!

*25% of the healing process involves focusing on the nervous system & vagus nerve work. This targets the impact of mold on neurological health & aims to restore balance! Without a stable nervous system, you…

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Mold Remediation: What to Do After a Dog Detects Mold
Posted on September 12, 2023

Mold infestations are more than just a nuisance; they are a genuine cause for concern that can affect both homeowners and businesses. The presence of mold not only compromises the structural integrity of a building but also poses pote…

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How Do You Know if Mold is Making You Sick

Mold not only looks terrible on your walls and tiles, but it can also affect your health. Mold allergies can cause the same signs and symptoms as other types of common upper respiratory allergens such as pollen, dust, animal dander, etc.

So, if you suspect mol…

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Mold Toxicity and SIBO – the invisible threat to your gut health

Suppose you have been struggling with mysterious symptoms like unexplained chronic fatigue, brain fog, and digestive or sinus issues that don't seem to go away even after doing some gut-healing protocols. Maybe you have tried every single SIBO protocol without su…

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