XIA (Zee-ah')
Mold Dog

Meet Xia, a German Drahthaar and mold detection specialist. Her expertise, honed at the highly respected Florida Canine Academy by Bill Whitstine, makes her an invaluable member of the Mold Dog Knows team.

The academy provided Xia with rigorous training, from intricate search patterns to scent discrimination and navigation of varied locations. As such, she can detect up to 18 toxic mold species, uncovering mold that often escapes conventional methods

In summary, Xia embodies the dedication and reliability of Mold Dog Knows, offering clients unmatched expertise in mold detection.

How Can We Help You Today?

We are ready to understand your needs and schedule your mold dog detection visit. Please send us a message, and we will reply as soon as possible.


Based in North Texas. Will Travel USA