Your Nervous System and its Part in Healing

Your Nervous System and its Part in Healing

By Dr. Rodney Russell 

Stress is a frequent and unwelcome guest for many, especially in the world we live in today. It arises from various sources: global events, work pressure, financial concerns, family dynamics, or unforeseen circumstances. This chronic stress activates our body's "fight, flight or freeze" response, a vital survival tool in emergencies but a hindrance to healing when constantly engaged. Recognizing how this stress response affects our healing is key to achieving well-being.

The Subconscious Mind and Healing:

The fight/flight/freeze response and its impact on healing are closely linked to the subconscious mind. This part of our psyche governs behaviors, emotions, and physical health. Chronic stress signals to the subconscious that we are in perpetual danger, keeping the stress response active. This diverts energy from healing, potentially stalling your healing progress.

Chronic stress leads to shallow breathing, increased glucose, and hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, while slowing digestion. To counter this, learning to calm ourselves in stressful situations, like traffic or home chaos, is crucial. We must retrain our thinking to prevent our bodies from being in a constant state of alert.

Five Methods to Soothe the Nervous System:

1. Breathing:

Deep breathing and mindfulness are straightforward yet effective in calming the nervous system. By intentionally slowing and deepening breaths, we trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, which reverses the stress response and promotes healing. Activities like meditation, yoga, or tai chi enhance this relaxation response.

2. Brain Retraining with Hypnosis:

Hypnosis taps into the subconscious mind, creating an avenue to calm the nervous system and aid healing. It induces theta brain waves, allowing the subconscious to absorb positive suggestions and imagery. This reprograms the brain's stress response, fostering relaxation and overcoming the fight or flight response.

3. Cold Water Face Immersion:

Immersing your face in cold water activates the mammalian dive reflex, which stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing heart rate and blood pressure. This natural response induces calmness, easing the fight or flight response, and is a simple, cost-free technique for at-home use.

4. Visualization & Mindfulness:

Redirecting and taking your mind off everything except the present moment and immediate surroundings. This pattern interrupt, is hugely beneficial to your health and helps trigger peace and calm. Speak out loud what you see and feel all around you.  

5. Connect with Nature:

Anything you can do to get outside is generally great for the nervous system and get moving if you are able. Go for a walk or a jog. Play in the park. Breathe the fresh air. Combine the mindfulness activity above. If it's warm enough, go barefoot and connect to the earth to discharge the EMF energy in your body. 

In my practice, the NATURAL HEALING CENTER, I often see clients who are struggling to heal despite a healthy lifestyle and supplements. Typically, it's the chronic stress response interfering with healing. Understanding the subconscious mind's role and using techniques like deep breathing, hypnosis, and cold water immersion can help clients surpass this barrier. These methods promote relaxation and well-being, aligning the mind and body for natural, holistic healing. Remember, true healing begins when mind and body are in sync.

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If you're concerned about how mold may be influencing your thyroid function or overall health, please reach out to our clinic, the NATURAL HEALING CENTER for guidance and supp ort.

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