Mold, Frequencies & Dental Health

Mold, Frequencies & Dental Health

Mold exposure causes massive increases in electrical currents in the mouth. This is what is dissolving the teeth, causing gum recession and abscesses.

I was a dental lab technician.
Patients began showing up with strange complaints of reacting to their crowns.

Dentists couldn't believe it, but the signs were obvious. The gums had a blue line around restorations which were corroding at a high rate.

The "noble alloys" - gold crowns did not have this.

We could even see where putting in less noble alloys increased galvanism as the imbalance in electrical potential manifested in a greater rate of depleting the lesser nobility metals.

This issue reached its apex with the introduction of a restorative crown called Captek.

A composite alloy with high gold and a platinum mesh core. The gold infuses the mesh to provide a structure for building up porcelain crowns. But that structure was like a miniature battery.

The current between the gold and platinum was massive. So much that bacteria couldn't survive on a Captek crown.

At first, the company thought this was great. They could use it as a marketing tool, "The crown that resists bacteria!"

But it didn't take long to realize the downside. Bacteria were increased everywhere else, the good bacteria were driven away, and most of all, the other crowns would corrode at an unbelievable rate.

Some people had Captek crowns removed because although they looked fantastic and appeared to be working, they increased problems with other crowns.

Thanks to being a moldy, I saw that people who were ill with mold had the greatest galvanic problems of all; myself included.

So why is this happening? Isn't mold a toxin?

One can imagine immune suppression from a toxin, but mold seems to be behaving more than a toxin.

I began thinking of mold exposure as something that didn't fit concepts of classic toxicology.

"An Effect" - Something completely different, and set out to explore and now understand what this might mean.

Erik Johnson, Research & Education Director, Exposing Mold

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